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It's been half a dozen years now since he challenged anyone to disprove those facts he listed. No one has yet to find 1 counter example. The only argument anyone ever uses to try to discredit him are with personal attacks. *cough Cenk *cough.

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Dinesh D'Souza, what a treasure! God Bless you, Mr. D'Souza. ✝️. He is so smart it makes me cry. Gibbo! Where you been mate. Pay attention! Mr. D'Souza is constantly exposing the historic Democrat lies, and their contemporary liars. Long live this honest, brave, and intelligent man. You tell'em Dinesh. I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that Jesus is Lord. Watch infidel 2019 movie online free streaming movie sites. We had no lock downs, mask mandates, no social distancing being imposed, no destruction of small businesses, no crashing the worlds economy, Nothing. Dinesh is responsible for making me leave the Democrat party. I thank him immensely for freeing me from the victim mentality I was enslaved within. Ive purchased all of his books. Hes an amazing human being and Im so grateful for the honor of being educated by him.

If the world ended today, we would all be better off because we wouldn't have to listen to crazy people. Watch Infidel [2019] Movie Online Free streaming. Can't wait to see this movie, God Bless Dinesh and Jim. Proof that when women have down they are able to hide it better. I saw that guy standing on the corner holding a sign I will work for food I gave him a dollar.

Sovereign countries are allowed to decide who comes in and secure their border. Watch infidel 2019 movie online free streaming vf. Watch infidel 5b2019 5d movie online free streaming reviews. We constantly hear our leaders say, we do not negotiate with terrorists the truth is that statement should read We ONLY negotiate with terrorists. You only need to look at the blatant capitulation to BLM Antifa and Extinction Rebellion to realize that. And of course as Dinesh say's the fear of ISLAM is potent. All that terrorists have proven over the last couple years is that threats, violence and intimidation DOES WORK.

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If more people stood up for their beliefs like this, the cancel culture mob would have no power

Fascism- a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism. I cant think of a more perfect description for the extreme leftists of the Democrat party. This is ‘verbatim from the dictionary. Thank you, Dinesh for bringing us the truth through your videos. Christ wonders doesn't need even the wind and storm obey. Watch infidel 2019 movie online free streaming channels.

Jim Caviezel is brilliant 😊👍

There was one thing in common in the ideology of Germany, Italy, and the Soviet Union: opposition to the capitalist democracies. Neither we nor Italy had anything in common with the capitalism of the West. Therefore it would appear to us quite paradoxical if the Soviet Union, as a Socialist state, were to side with the Western democracies (Secret German memorandum to Soviet leaders, July 27, 1939.

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DINESH D'SOUZA is a True Patriot. God 🙏 Bless his new movie Trump Card. Watch Infidel [2019] Movie Online Free streaming vf. Imagine being downgraded from “Passion of the Christ” Star to “Person of interest” star. Watch infidel 2019 movie online free streaming now. There doesn't seem to be a very good option for me is where I was 4yrs ago and where I will be in November. Yes there are some racist in America. Yes there are some Bad cops. Yes there are too many black men in our jails. We have a lot of work to do, but I don't see any amount of rioting and looting EVER fixing those problems, in fact I am sure it will back fire. If he wants my vote... I need Biden to SERIOUSLY show me he wants to take these cities back from terrorist. I need Biden to say that refusing to follow the instructions of the police is stupid and dangerous for yourself, your family and the people who signed up to protect us. If he can't clearly articulate that then. I am going to pinch my nose and vote for Trump. BLM and ANTIFA are the very best things that ever happened to Trump.

“Everyone has got to go out and see Infidel.” Yeah, uhm. you see the Dems kinda complicated the whole movie experience. Watch Infidel [2019] Movie Online Free streaming audio. I find it ironic and absolutely hilarious how with each passing day the land of the free is getting closer and closer to being a fascist state. Watch infidel 2019 movie online free streaming sites. Like the Paul Simon song. Still Crazy After All These Years. Watch infidel 2019 movie online free streaming espanol. I used to think T.D.S. was hyperbole.


















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